SASSA Application for R350 in 2024 under new rules?

This article is a comprehensive guide on every aspect of SASSA Application for R350 in 2024. Whether you’re looking to find more about the grant or you want to apply for this article covers all.
SASSA is a South African based relief program and SRD R350 is one of its grant types. SASSA R350 grant was started during the covid period to help people in financial distress or those with no means to support them. R350 is a monthly grant and SASSA continues it on a monthly basis if the grant applicant meets the criteria set by SASSA, so as long as you’re eligible you will get the monthly payments.
SRD grant alone has helped more than 10.5 million people fight poverty and financial distress. Requirements for SASSA SRD R350 Grant: Not everyone is eligible to benefit from R350 grant, SASSA has setup a framework and some eligibility requirements that must be fulfilled by every applicant applying for this grant.
Before you apply study all these requirements to make sure that you’re eligible. Below are the requirements for r350 grant, we have summarized the requirements in the easiest way possible so anyone can understand:
Region & Nationality
The applicant applying for SASSA R350 grant application must either be a citizen or a permanent resident of South Africa. Other than this if you’re a holder of special permits you’re also qualified to receive this grant. Applicants with refugee status in South Africa can also apply.
Employment status: The applicant must be unemployed with no source of income.
Age: All Applicants having age between 18 and 60 years are eligible for SASSA R350 grant.
Grant Status: Anyone applying for r350 grant must not be receiving any other social grants from SASSA or South African government.
Funds: Anyone who is applying for SASSA r350 grant should not have any incoming funds through in their bank accounts through any sources of more than R624 for that particular month.
NSFAS status: You must not be enrolled or currently receiving any grants from NSFAS.
What information is required to apply for SASSA Application for R350 Grant in 2024?
There have been changes to r350 program in 2024. Below information covers everything that you will require to apply for r350 application.
You will need to agree with all of SASSA terms and conditions, consent forms, declaration forms to make sure that you agree with SASSA and the information that you’ll provide is accurate. You will view and download consent form as well as the declaration form. SASSA will validate and verify your information using these 2 forms. The documents or the information that will be required are as follows:
If you’re a South African citizen or permanent resident you must have your id number or a passport number in case if you’re not a citizen of South Africa.
Your name and surname make sure this matches exactly as mentioned on your id or passport. Keep your id and passport with you so the information you enter is correct.
Your mobile number, choose the number that’s your permanent number because everything related to SASSA will be sent on that phone number.
Current permanent address.
How to Submit SASSA Application for R350, step by step process?
Before you apply for SRD R350 grant application make sure you have all the above information available and you’re eligible.
Step 1 Choose apply method:
There are multiple methods available to apply for this grant. You can apply for r350 grant using any of these methods available. Some of the methods are:
Official site
Chat Bot.
We have discussed steps for each of these methods below in detail, you can choose any of these methods.
SASSA Application for R350 through Official website:
The most common way of applying for an R350 grant is through official SASSA website and the process is straight forward too. Just follow the steps below:
Visit official sassa website by going to
Once you’re on the homepage of SASSA website, look for “Click here to apply” button and click on it. This button would be available on the page under the section that says “How do I apply for SRD Grant”.
Once you’re on the apply page, enter your registered mobile phone number.
Click send SMS button once you have entered your mobile number, SASSA will send you an OTP (one time password) on your registered mobile number through SMS.
Enter your pin number, follow the next steps and simply complete your application. Once completed your application would be submitted.
SASSA Application for R350 through WhatsApp:
The easier way of applying for SRD is using WhatsApp, its a simple process. Just follow the steps below:
Before you start to apply for grant using WhatsApp, save the SASSA number so you can initiate the chat from WhatsApp. The official number for SASSA WhatsApp is “082 046 8553”.
Once you have saved the number, open a chat with SASSA using WhatsApp by simply sending “hello” on SASSA number.
SASSA will send you some built in responses. Type Help and send it.
SASSA will then send you a link. The link will take you to official SASSA platform message.
Type SRD and send it. Select whether you’re applying for yourself or for someone on his behalf.
The process for application will start. You will have to provide your registered id, mobile number and other details as requested.
SASSA Application for R350 through Chatbot:
Visit official sassa website by going to on your mobile web browser.
Scroll down on the website and click SRD assistance Chatbot
On the chatbot window provide your South African registered id number and your mobile number on the chatbot.
Click Apply for SRD R350 grant on the chatbot window and follow the steps.
Step 2 Terms and conditions of SASSA Application for R350:
You would have to agree with SASSA terms and conditions, declaration form, consent form. This is to ensure that all the details that you provided are correct to your knowledge. SASSA will verify your details based on this.
Step 3 providing your details:
You need provide SASSA your personal details. The details need to be correct so make sure the information is all valid, to ensure this make sure you have all the details available before applying.
Your registered id number.
Your full name, make sure it matches exactly as on your id card or passport number.
Provide your gender.
Your mailing address.
Contact information such as mobile number and email. Make sure the mobile number is permanent as SASSA will use it to contact.
Step 4 Payment method and Banking details:
Here you will have to provide your payment methods and banking details to SASSA. There are 3 scenarios for payment options:
New applicant and have a bank account
New applicant without a bank account
Existing applicant with bank account
Existing applicant and change payment method to bank account
New applicant with Bank account
If you’re a new applicant and want to add payment method as bank account, you will have to provide the following information:
Bank name
Account number
Bank branch name
Account type
Agree with SASSA TOS and rules
Submit your banking details
New applicant without Bank account
If you’re a new applicant and you don’t have a bank account, you will have to provide the following information:
Select your payment method of your choice except banking. You can choose Cash Send, Usave, Checkers etc.
Agree with TOS and Rules.
Submit the details for the payment method.
Existing applicant with Bank account
If you’re a existing applicant and you have a bank account, you will have to provide the following information:
Check your banking details
Agree with SASSA TOS and rules
Submit your banking details
Existing applicant want to change payment method to bank account
If you’re an existing applicant and want to change your payment method to bank account, you will have to provide the following information:
Bank name
Account number
Bank branch name
Account type
Agree with SASSA TOS and rules
Submit your banking details
Once all of this is completed you will receive an SMS from SASSA that your banking details are added. This means that you can now receive grant payments in your bank account.
SASSA will now put your application in the verification process. All the information that is submitted will now be verified by SASSA such as your registered id, name etc. Your records will be matched with the records present in Home Affairs database. After the verification SASSA will let you know whether your application is approved or not. Keep checking your SASSA application status regularly to keep informed about any changes to your application and payment dates.