The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) conducts a SASSA Means Test to discover the SASSA candidate’s current monetary position, asset, threshold and financial support. The process of the mean test is taken by SASSA to determine the eligibility of SASSA applicants. It distinguishes between every SASSA eligible and ineligible candidate for maximizing the impact of its resources.
Assets Threshold For SASSA Social Grants
To target the assistance only to needy, poor, unemployed, and disabled South African people. It can help provide financial support only to eligible candidates who do not have any income support. Mean Test acts as a bridge between SASSA resources and eligible candidates.ย
It reflects equity and fairness that can contribute to the useful allocation of resources. It can prevent any fraudulent or misused activity by random people. Verifying the information which is related to financial status can lessen the chances of any applicant claiming to be eligible by false banking details.
Assets Threshold for SASSA Disability Grants, Older Person Grants and War Veterans Grant
Income Threshold For SASSA Social Grants
Income Threshold for SASSA Older Person Disability and War Veterans Grant
Child Support Grant
Care Dependency Grant of SASSA
What are Assets in the SASSA Means Test?
The assets in the mean test for SASSA can be:
- The income of your self-owned house
- The value of your inherited or self-owned land
- The value of the spouse self owned house
- The value of spouse-inherited self-owned land
- The loans taken from a bank or a person
- Your money from personal bank account
What is the SASSA Threshold in the Means Test?
The income mean test for SASSA can be:
- Giving a certain portion of your home for rent and generating revenue
- Renting out your self-owned or personal property
- Any income support from a relative, friend or company
- Getting a pension from any firm
- Any income support to your child from ex-spouse
- Any income generated from lands
- Receiving other funds like UIF (Unemployment Insurance Fund)
How much does SASSA pay to eligible candidates?
Here is a list of SASSA grant payments for all eligible candidates after the SASSA mean test
Old Age Grant (below 75 years) will get R2 090/month
Old Age Grant (above 75 years) will be granted R2 110/month
War Veterans Grant will be fascinated by R2 110/month
Disability Grant will receive R2 090/month
Care Dependency Grant is R2 090/month
Foster Child Grant applicants will get R1 130/month
Child Support Grant will be given R510
Grant in Aid is R510/month
SRD R350 Grant will be R350/month
SASSA declares the Dates for each grant for each month. You can check SASSA Payments Date here.
Importance of SASSA Means Test
Various important factors of SASSA mean test includes the main points discussed as:
Targeting Needy:
To target only needy, poor, unemployed, and disabled SASSA candidates, the SASSA is determined to target only needy people so that the poor can be fascinated by SASSA grants. By determining oneโs monetary standings, SASSA can easily target only eligible and actual needy social grants SASSA with this, the wattage of SASSA resources can be prevented.
Right Allocation of Resources:
The resources can be allocated to their actual place by assessing one’s monetary status and financial support. By determining oneโs status of income support, SASSA can attract eligible applicants from South Africa. Applicants who meet specific criteria set by SASSA for the mean test can get SASSA grants.
Equity and Fairness:
The SASSA mean test reflects the fairness and equity among all SASSA applicants. If an eligible candidate is getting an SASSA grant then this means there is financial support for that applicant to support and raise their children and to fulfill his/her own basic needs.
Prevention of fraudulent and Misuse activity:
To prevent any fraudulent or misuse activity, SASSA means the test is a compensation for reducing such cases. Also, the resources can be allocated to the right SASSA candidates. By setting specific criteria, eligible people can get these aids by SASSA.
Long-Term Sustainability:ย ย
A SASSA mean test is a must for any sustainable long-term period. It avoids pressure on the system and prevents burden. It is important to note that the mean test by SASSA is for assistance only for needy people, so the mean test acts as a brigade for this determination process of eligibility.
Frequently Asked Questions
A means test is compensation in any SASSA social grant such as SRD R350, Disability Grant, Foster Child Grant, Care Dependency Grant and all others. It distinguishes between every candidate and sets a line of entrance for any SASSA grant. It helps to use SASSA resources only for the right candidates by maximizing its impact with the SASSA means test. Also, it helps to prevent any fraudulent or misuse actions by random people.